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Last week I mentioned I was on the warpath to make a high protein granola bar, and my first attempt...
I have lots of interesting content to share with this week, so let’s get right to it. Whole Foods Market...
First order of business: Have you entered my drawing for a copy of the Café Flora cookbook? Do it! Your odds are...
Another week, another dollar. Or,  roughly 75 of them,  I guess. I have been consciously budgeting for two solid months...
Friends, as my father-in-law likes to say, it’s dank in the Northwest these days. I mean, yes, I live in Seattle. It...
We like our pizza around these parts. During both our remodels, the Papa John’s deliver car visited our house at...
As I mentioned on Saturday, I was on a mission to make granola bars over the weekend. I did make...
Greetings, all! Here are a few articles I found interesting this past week.  Vegan Done Real – Kitchen Parade. This series is in...
This week could be otherwise known as the week the wheels fell off (sort of). I had a couple items...
Unlike former President George H.W. Bush, 2ChiliBreadBowl quite enjoys broccoli. Like former President George H.W. Bush (okay, Dana Carvey), he does often...
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