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My maternal grandmother lived in the country, in a small town in South Texas. She lived a long full life...
I fancy myself somewhat of a modern day “Lisa” from Green Acres –  minus the glitz and glamour and Hungarian accent, that...
Can you believe tomorrow is the first day of May? I don’t know why, but the sands of 2011 are...
Do you ever have those times when you know you have something on hand and plan around that something, only...
They say there is no substitute for fresh herbs, and I think fresh basil is one of the best. It...
Okay, okay. That is a cheesy headline. I couldn’t resist! Random factoid: I was the resident headline writer for my high...
In keeping with Friday’s Earth Day green theme, I thought I’d repost something I wrote on my non-cooking blog before Test Kitchen Tuesday was...
For the first time (I think) this year, I’m writing this while looking out the window at unfiltered sunshine! We...
Today is Earth Day, and while I think it is important to do good things to help the Earth, these...
We had a boring food budget week around these parts! To be honest, I have been kind of lazy and...
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