Entries tagged with «Budget»

37 weeks and still kicking on the food budgeting! 2Chili wants everyone to know that many of these week’s selections are...

A new month is here! Happy June! For those of us in the Northwest, June is the gateway to summer,...

On a totally non-food note, over the holiday weekend, 2Chili and I did a mountain bike race. It was my first...

Wow, the last couple weeks have been quite a whirlwind, and May is determined to not let up! My food...

Sorry for the radio silence this week! I am currently in Seattle for work and have been having one of...

Wow! It is May! I hate to be cliché, but where is the time going? I can’t say I am...

By now, the news that we had a bit of a flood in the kitchen last Friday is old news. Since it...

After last week’s snore-fest, this week I had plenty of groceries to buy. 2Chili spent a few days in Seattle,...

I have one word to sum up this week’s food budget: BORING! We really didn’t need much, so I didn’t...

Isn’t it nice to be rounding the corner into Spring? While we haven’t really seen warm temperatures yet in the...
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