Ninja Ultima
Super Strawberry Spirulina Smoothie
We joke around our house that you just never know what I might have in the pantry that 2Chili can’t...
Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie
A while back, a reader left a comment asking if I had a peanut butter cup smoothie recipe. I did...
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I’ve had the Ninja Ultima blender for several months now, and have a few added thoughts I want to share...
How to Make Cashew Milk
The world of non-dairy milks is wide and deep, but one I haven’t tried (until now) is cashew milk. This...
Plant-Powered Beet Burgers
Y’all know, I love a good pun. And, I have a lot of puns for today’s post. Where’s the beet?...
Mild Black Bean Hummus
I think we all agree: Hummus is delish. Right? Right. When I think of hummus,  my mind goes to chickpeas...
Fast & Easy Three Ingredient Strawberry Sorbet
A while back, 2Chili asked me to pick him up some “sherbet or sorbet” at the grocery store. It was hot in...
Faux Meatloaf using Lentils–Lentil Loaf
Have you ever tried a lentil loaf? While not the “real deal” meat loaf, they can be a pretty close...
Clean Eating Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
Today, let’s talk about B-A-NA-N-A-S! Why all the hullabaloo about bananas? Here, let me tell you: They are versatile –...
Happy Independence Day! Red, White & Blue Snow Cones
I remember the joy of being a kid and making snow cones with my Snoopy Snow Cone Maker (if you...
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