
It is supposed to beautiful day in Seattle – and hopefully it turns out that way! I love it when...

Friday, we meet again! Here’s a collection of some random thoughts and things I found interesting this week. Actor Peter...

Hi friends, I hope you had a great week! Mine was a little hectic, which explains the light posting schedule,...

Howdy! We made it to another Friday! Well honestly, this week flew by. It has been busy around these parts....

To my friends in the heartland, I hope you are surviving the major hissy fit Mother Nature is throwing right...

Last week, I did a review of the Aqua Zinger, a personal infused water maker, and the folks at Zing Anything...

Yay for Fridays! Here’s this week’s smattering of randomness, I hope you enjoy. I have been completely maximizing my new...

Happy Friday! It seems folks liked the idea of a “random thoughts” post on Fridays – thanks for the feedback!...

It’s been a long time since we’ve been in this place. A place where there is only one tranquil room...

Following up on last week’s Friday post, I am thinking of starting a new weekly series, aptly called “Random Friday Thoughts,”...