
In general, I don’t go too overboard with specific challenges or month-long endeavors around here. My goal for this site...

I really love a good mud mask! They’re great to purify the skin, open the pores, and dry up impurities....

Did everyone have a good holiday? We certainly did, and for some unknown reason, the sun decided to make a...

First and foremost, happy holidays, friends! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and a Cheery Festivus to all! (That last one is...

A while back, a reader left a comment asking if I had a peanut butter cup smoothie recipe. I did...

Friends, I apologize for the dead air last week. 2Chili and I were frantically working to finish our kitchen remodel. And,...

Hands down, no question, Fall is my favorite season. I love it when the air turns crisp, the leaves turn...

I haven’t shared a remodel update in a long, long time! We recently finished up our master bedroom, leaving only...

I’m flying off topic a bit this week, but then again, that has never stopped me before! As you guys...

Over the years, I have been on again/ off again with a variety of link round ups, lists, what I’m...
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