Friday Five: Interesting Viewing & Reading for Your Weekend

Over the years, I have been on again/ off again with a variety of link round ups, lists, what I’m enjoying, etc. that I have shared with you in a few different ways.

These usually fizzle out by my own doing. I either get too busy, can’t find enough interesting content, or, sense lack of interest. So, learning from the past, I’m not committing to posting five interesting things every week, but, when I have some interesting content, I’ll share it with you on Fridays! Deal?

This week there was just a ton of interesting information coming through my various feeds/email that I had a hard time narrowing it down to five.

  • How to do a Cellulite Detox. This is a good video from Dr. Josh Axe, a prominent wellness doctor, and a great source for healthy living information. Cliff’s notes: Get the processed food out of your diet, drink bone broth, up the potassium, and, massage a salve of coconut oil and citrus essential oil on the actual cellulite spots in question.
  • Chipotle commits to going GMO free. This is a fantastic move by Chipotle. Fair warning: It is still very possible to get more than your day’s calorie allotment at Chipotle – their food is massive in both size and calories. However, if you choose wisely, you can get out of Chipotle with a fairly healthy meal. The fact that they’re raising their prices to achieve this is probably negligible to most consumers that eat there, as it certainly is not a “cheap” meal when compared to other fast food.
  • 10 Most Toxic Cleaners To Avoid at All Costs. This is very important reading, and sadly, you probably have most of these cleaners in your house if you haven’t done a cleaning detox, so to speak. Some of these are pretty surprising – e.g., Simple Green. This is five minutes of your time well spent.
  • Make your own dairy butter with your Ninja blender. This video uses an original style Ninja, but it will work with your current model as well. Thanks to reader Karla for pointing this video out! If you do this, make sure you’re using top quality grass-fed cream.image
  • And finally, I have to do a little family bragging. This is not at all related to food, but is something a lot of you care about: Fashion! My youngest cousin is up to some pretty amazing things in the fashion world. He and his fiancé recently launched their own line, and, Emma Stone was photographed wearing one of their pieces earlier this week on her way to the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. By the way, if you don’t watch the Tonight Show, it is worth DVR’ing. We don’t stay up that late, but we haven’t missed an episode since it launched. Jimmy Fallon is incredibly talented, and the show is always good for a laugh…or twelve. Want to see more of the collection that includes this coat? Check out  the Brock Collection here.

And with that, I hope you have a good weekend. Get outside and play if you can!


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