Weekly Roundup – 11.27.10
I read a lot of blogs and articles over the course of the week. For me, the big appeal of the blogosphere is the variety of perceptions you can get by what other people are saying, reading, and linking. This week was a little slow on the content, of course, but here are my favorite tidbits of the week:
Reducing Sodium in Canned Beans – Eating Rules. I am very vocal about trying to reduce sodium as much as possible (probably annoyingly too vocal), and always rinse canned beans, but had never thought to actually soak them for 30 minutes. I try to prepare dried beans whenever possible, but sometimes, you just need the convenience of those canned beans. So, soak ‘em for half an hour, and cut the sodium by half!
- Sweet Potatoes Are Not Just For Thanksgiving Anymore – New York Times. I am kind of embarrassed to admit that 2010 was the year I discovered the sweet potato. I grew up in the south (okay, Texas, but that is basically the south), where they definitely have more of a following than the west coast, but I pretty much always avoided them at holiday gatherings, turned off by the marshmallow topping that accompanied them. I wish I could go back in time and try a sweet potato au natural. Yum! And, don’t get me started on sweet potato fries…
- Drowning Out the Food Noise – I saw this one in Casual Kitchen’s link round up, and really liked it. You are responsible for the food decisions you make, and packaging and commercials are designed to entice you to buy, and buy, and buy. My favorite line in this article is: “Vanity aside, the idea of being at a healthy weight should be about just that: health. This is not about fitting in a size “0″ .” Well said!
- Eat a Beet – A Girl and Her Carrot. It’s not often you come across a thorough description of what to look for when selecting and what to do with once you’ve acquired a beet…
- What to do with Leftover Turkey – MSNBC, from David Zinczenko, author of “Cook This, Not That!” Two ideas for turkey leftovers I wouldn’t have even thought of: a Rueben sandwich and turkey tacos.
- Pie Chart – This one is just for fun, and apropos for post-Thanksgiving!
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and Black Friday, and suffered no broken bones, obtained no bruises, and received no verbal attacks in the process of participating in either event! The holiday season is upon us! Go forth and eat well!