Entries tagged with «Soup»

Forgive me, friends, for I am offering up another miso recipe in the span of only a couple of weeks....

It is really starting to be soup and stew season in the Northwest. We’ve been waking up to temperatures not...

Hands down, no question, Fall is my favorite season. I love it when the air turns crisp, the leaves turn...

I love butternut squash soup, but, without a kitchen, I haven’t been able to make my favorite version in ages, and store...

Do you ever feel like you’re giving off one impression, but then, get feedback that you are giving off a...

This week, I am going it alone in Bend while 2Chili tends to some business in Seattle. I realized I never really...

Over the weekend, it got really cold in Central Oregon. Really cold! And it has stayed put in the really...

This week I had planned for a TKT for one. 2Chili was supposed to be in Seattle until today, and...