Ninja Mega Kitchen System

It was a doozie of a weekend in the Pacific Northwest! Mother Nature let us know in no uncertain terms...

This past weekend was the Ironman World Championships race in Kona, Hawaii. For triathletes, this is the Super Bowl of...

You know the old saying, “Necessity is the mother of all invention?” It is certainly true. I have been “off...

Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the Ninja Pulse, so, I thought I’d do a new recipe in...

As you guys know, I just came back from vacation in Hawaii — which even though we about as far...

Mmmm….magnesium! A tasty treat, right? No? Okay, so, you probably don’t get all excited about ways to work magnesium into...

When it comes to broccoli, I am a fan. Often overlooked – and somewhat ridiculed by a certain ex-President –...

I had a question in the comments section last week about the ability of the Ninja Blender to make tomato...

Last week, I received a question in the comments asking if the Ninja Single Serve Cup could make cashew butter....

There was a day when I couldn’t understand why anyone would put anything green in a smoothie. It just didn’t jive. And,...