Drink Your Vitamins–Oxylent Powdered Multivitamin Review
A couple of weeks ago, I shared my supplement regimen. The point of the post was really not about what supplements I take, but rather, the importance of researching the supplements you decide to take to make sure they are quality and actually do good for your body. I generally feel it is best to get the nutrients your body needs from your food, but there are times that just isn’t possible.
Doing a whole house remodel and having to eat out way more than I would like due to my “non-kitchen” has forced the issue for me, and I have been supplementing more than usual, and have been more open to finding new products. It’s funny how things work – open your mind and eyes to new items, and they are everywhere.
Recently, I stumbled upon a new supplement that I want to share with you. Well, technically it’s not new, but it’s new to me. In the interest of full disclosure, I was sent a sample pack of Oxylent to try out, but was not pressured or paid
I had to do a little research to understand the powdered vitamin market, and it seems that key competitors to Oxylent are likely Emergen-C and maybe Airborne. Those both seem to be more of vitamin C supplements than anything, and I have not tried either of these items, so I can’t give a true comparison.
I really ended up liking Oxylent, so I want to tell you guys about it. If you have someone in your life that can’t or wont swallow pills (or, maybe it’s you!), or, you like the idea of a flavored water with a nutritional kick, read on.
In our household, 2Chili won’t swallow a pill. His life could depend on it, but he just can’t do it. So, on the rare occurrences when he needs pills for something, we end up grinding them up and having him drink the powder. From what he tells me, this experience is awful and never tastes good.
So, I didn’t really know what to expect when trying Oxylent. By reading the packaging and marketing material, I had hope. The sample pack I received was mandarin orange flavor, and, true to its word, tasted “orangey.”
The instructions state to mix the powder with 4-6 ounces of water, to taste. I have to tell you guys, this powder makes a tasty beverage. They have multiple flavors available, but I liked orange just fine. It’s not too strong, but just enough flavor to make your water a little more interesting.
Speaking of interesting, liquid substances are more bioavailable to our bodies than food or tablet/capsules – it takes our bodies more time to break down solids than liquids to utilize them. This makes powdered vitamins a really efficacious approach to obtaining their benefits.
What’s Included
The Oxylent sample pack I received is sweetened with Stevia, but the “main adult product line” does have a bit of organic cane sugar. I was told they are in the process of moving the adult product line to be all Stevia sweetened with no calories which should be done in a couple of months. However, they do have a 7-pack available with the 0 calorie formula on the shelves now.
Of particular interest to me in the below nutritionals — since I am a Pacific Northwesterner and don’t get a lot of sunshine in my life in the winter months — is the Vitamin D3. Magnesium and Calcium are important to me, too. Remember how we talked about Calcium being better absorbed when taken with Magnesium? It’s nice to see they got that right!
I tried the Adult line, but they also have a children’s formula and a prenatal formula, so whatever your needs, they have you covered!
The key differentiators for Oxylent according to its maker, is that it oxygenates the blood due to enzymes, hydrates by bringing electrolytes into balance, improves circulation due to L-Arginine, and rejuvenates due to the range of B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin D. The marketing material for Oxylent does a good job of explaining their rationale for what is included and how it works. You can check that out here, if you’re interested.
I honestly don’t know if those statements are true, but I can tell you I will be buying Oxylent to work into my daily routine. It is a nice morning beverage with breakfast, and does seem to add a little “pep” to my step. The best pricing I have found is on Amazon, with about a $1/pack average cost.
Have you tried Oxylent? Let me know in the comments!