Link Roundup: 5.21.11

Howdy, friends!

Before I started writing this, I cleared the spam out of my spam queue. If you write a blog, do you ever read some of that nonsense? My favorites are those that claim they are “not spam, they just want you to make your blog better” or, pretend they are trying to start some argument, or, are written in a foreign language. Très amusing.

Anyway, on with the links!

  • Weight Watchers Smart Ones Not that Smart – Fooducate. Of course, this is not surprising. Weight Watchers is in business to make money, and they have a strong brand loyalty. So, they can produce highly processed food and market it as a smart choice, and people will buy it. “Food” with 50 ingredients is not food! *Sigh*
  • Update on My 28-Day Challenge – Dishin’ About Nutrition. Jessica over at DAN is undergoing a 28 challenge to follow the Engine 2 Diet, which is a plant-based diet. And you know what, she’s digging it so far! Check it out and give her some veggie love.
  • 10 Ways to Sweeten Food Without Sugar – Huffington Post. I am with the author of this post – I really try to not add any kind of sweetener if I can. I don’t put sugar in my coffee anymore (or milk – holy cow, I’m an 80 year old man), I purposely cut sugar amounts in recipes, and I try to use the honey sparingly. My sugar indulgences tend to come in the form of Honey Stinger waffles when I’m on my bike, and, boy do they taste good when you’ve been in motion for 3+ hours!
  • And if you missed it, I had a post that contained sort of a mid-week link round up on the topic of counting calories for athletes.

Best Tweet of the week – I have to agree!


Have a good weekend!

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