Link Roundup: 5.7.11
I’m a little late with the links this week, which is a metaphor for the past week, really.
Anyway, I’m back on track now, and here are some of the articles I found interesting last week:
- What is the healthiest sugar? – Eating Rules. I’m from the camp that sugar is sugar, and sugar intake should be monitored. Sometimes people mention that a certain type of sugar is “healthy,” but in reality, unused sugar turns to fat – no matter what type of sugar it is! This is a great primer on glucose vs. fructose and will have a part 2 coming on a breakdown of the more popular types of sweeteners.
- Change. It Happens. – Emily Levenson. Spring is a time of change, and a fitting time to think about how to cope with change in your life. If you’re going through a change (and aren’t we all, always), check out this post on ways to cope with and embrace it!
- Eat Fast Food! – Caroline Cain. I love the deceptive title of this blog post! But, the deal is, healthy food can be just as easy and fast as “fast food.” I love the idea for banana mash and oranges and cinnamon. Doesn’t orange + cinnamon sound intriguing? I have never tried it but am going to next week when my produce box comes!
- Do You Have Something to Fall Back On? – Cook Train Eat Race. I think I’m into motivational posts this week! This is a sports-focused post, but the point can be applied to just about anything in your life – challenge yourself every day to be your best you. If you never test your boundaries, you never know exactly where those boundaries really are…
And with that, I wish you a happy weekend! Monday, I’m going to unveil the contents of the “big bowl of random!”