Project: Food Budget

Project: Food Budget–Week 26–The Halfway Point

We’re six months into this project already! I can’t believe it! Emily (who has a fancy new blog design today!) has…

Project: Food Budget–Week 25

As we have all week, this morning we woke up to a fresh blanket of snow in the Central Oregon…

Project: Food Budget–Week 24

There is not a lot to say this week, so I’ll keep it brief. Since we are moving, I didn’t…

Project: Food Budget–Week 23

This was an interesting food budget week indeed. Not because it truly was interesting, but because I had a surprise…

Project: Food Budget–Week 22

“Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be." That is my motto this week, and it’s a good thing, because…

Project: Food Budget–Week 21

In a very out of character maneuver this week, I didn’t do a great job with lists or planning or…

Project: Food Budget–Week 17

I must start this week’s post with an apology! It is a boring week because I had to travel to…

Project: Food Budget–Week 13

I lowered the food budget this month to $325, and it seems it wasn’t really that difficult to stay within…

Project: Food Budget–Week 12

We are back in Seattle this week with both the dog and the cat, who do surprisingly well in the…

Project: Food Budget–Week 11

It’s funny, you’d think in December we’d have a hard time sticking to a food budget, but honestly, it has…