Happy 2012!

Howdy, friends!

I hope you had a safe and enjoyable New Year’s Eve/Day and are easing back into your normal routines.

The holidays sure can throw a monkey wrench in our schedules, huh? I know I am pretty happy to get back to “normal” and get away from all the tempting treats and splurges that the holidays bring, as well as a more reliable daily schedule.

Today, I don’t have a recipe or review for you (though I am working on multiples of both of those items). I thought I’d just check in to wish you the best as we have turned the corner on 2012!

In terms of resolutions for this year, I don’t have anything huge I am “giving up” this year. I have made a lot of changes in my life over the past two years (just ask 2Chili – he gets to experience the effects of this change). I have moved to a whole foods, plant-based diet, given up diet soda cold turkey (no Diet Coke since 12/31/09), mostly eliminated coffee, save for the occasional business coffee date, and done some pretty crazy endurance activities.

This year, I am taking some advice from a recent Virtual Book Club read, The Happiness Project, and am going to focus on cleaning out the clutter in my life. The emotional clutter, the physical clutter, and the people clutter. This will no doubt take all year!

I wrote a little on my personal blog over if you want to see my year-end “letter to me.” I also highly recommend you write your own “letter to you” – it’s amazing how cathartic this process can be. And, you might surprise yourself at the things you’ve learned over time. It’s sort of a positive spin on addressing yourself and your growth areas, instead of telling yourself all the things you “won’t do” in the coming year.

What resolutions have you planned for this new year, if any?

Categories: General
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