Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie

A while back, a reader left a comment asking if I had a peanut butter cup smoothie recipe. I did…

The Ultimate Green Smoothie

How do you survive and still eat fairly healthfully while you live in a house with a non-kitchen? Well, you eat…

A Serving Suggestion

I don’t have a new recipe for you guys this week, as I am neck-high in boxes from moving (and…

Homemade Coconut Peanut Butter

A few weeks ago, a reader asked me how to go about making coconut peanut butter in the Ninja Blender. On…

Tuesday Flashback: Make Your Own Peanut Butter in a Jiffy!

As we close in on the end of the year, I thought it would be fun to highlight a few…

Make Your Own “Full Bars”

A few weeks ago I had to go to the doctor to have a splinter removed. Yeah, I know. Lame.…

Peanut Butter ‘N Oats “Clif” Bars

Did you have a good Memorial Day weekend? I hope so! For ours, we did a lot of yard work…

Peanut Butter Banana Protein Pancakes

I fancy myself somewhat of a modern day “Lisa” from Green Acres –  minus the glitz and glamour and Hungarian accent, that…

Peanut Butter & Jelly Granola Bars

Last week I mentioned I was on the warpath to make a high protein granola bar, and my first attempt…