Friday Round Up–6/14/13

Hooray, happy Friday! Today is the last day of a huge project I have been working on (one of three I have going right now), and at the end of the day, I will breathe a huge sign of relief! Time to hit the pool!

Anyway, enough about that – and hopefully the last of my bellyaching about too much work for awhile — here are a few links I found interesting this week. I have more commentary than usual this week, so I kept the link list shorter…

Top 11 Biggest Lies of the Food Industry. One of the biggest take-aways in this article is something I was just telling my dad, “stay out of the gluten-free aisle.” Gluten free is very popular right now, and as a result, there are tons of gluten free alternatives available. But, simply being gluten free doesn’t making something good for you, and some of the gluten free alternatives spike your blood sugar more than regular gluten-filled items. Processed food is processed food, after all! The theme of this article could really just be – eat real food. For example, my “gluten free” wraps are collard greens –they make sturdy wraps that fold up really well. There are lots of foods that are gluten free because they just are, not because they have been engineered to be that way!

Have you ever heard of the Wooly Pocket? I heard about this on Rich Roll’s podcast with the guys behind the “vegetarian” school in New York (which, by the way, is a great interview. Check it out here). In the podcast, they talk all about wanting to build a healthy school and what eventually tipped their lunch program to be all veggie-based. I love the idea of this pocket  – it’s a creative way to have a garden in a small space!

Your coffee has ground up bugs in it. Cockroaches, specifically. Well, that doesn’t sound so tasty. Boo. The good news is if you buy whole beans, you’re in the clear!

How to make your own Kombucha. If you drink kombucha, you know it is expensive! Why not make your own and save some cash?!

Have a great weekend, friends!

Categories: General

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  • Funny you should mention Kombucha. I just borrowed the brand new “True Brews: How to Craft Fermented Cider, Beer, Wine, Sake, Soda, Mead, Kefir, and Kombucha at Home” from the library after reading her post

    My sister loves to drink it, but it can be so expensive. I want to try it, but I need to find a good SCOBY. LOL

    • Oh, Debbie, I love kombucha! I would recommend trying one from the store before you make it, just to make sure you like it first! My favorite is a raw ginger flavor. Sometimes, you can find them on sale for 2/%5, if you shop around.

      Have a great weekend – you have lots of reading on tap!

  • Thanks Angela! I’m reading “Clean Gut” and I’m seriously contemplating doing a cleanse/detox. I am usually not a fan of these type of elimination diets, but I need to try something. I’m feeling like crap lately. I’m going to search your blog for your posts on when you did it.

    • Hi Debbie,

      I cannot recommend a cleanse more if you are feeling crappy. I will tell you though, the first 2-3 days of a detox will leave you questioning your sanity of why you did it, and then, on the 3rd or 4th day, you will feel amazing, and continue to improve for the duration. I read “Clean” by the same Dr. who wrote “Clean Gut,” and it makes a lot of sense. Another good book is the J.J. Virgin Diet. It’s not really a “diet” like people think, but more of an elimination diet to help you sort out sensitivities.

      The cleanse I did was “Be Well,” by Dr. Frank Lipman, who is a colleague of Dr. Junger’s. I hadn’t read Clean at the time, but Be Well is a lot less expensive. And, I completely believe you could do either of them with a little creativity without buying any of the supplements. However, I have a box of Dr. Lipman’s recharge cleanse I could send you if you want it (one week’s worth, as I used half of it). I bought it a few months after I did Be Well but before I realized I have a whey sensitivity (it’s a whey protein, but his Cleanse is plant protein).

      Anyway, good luck, and anything from Dr. Junger or Lipman is going to be high quality…

      • I found your post on the “be well” cleanse you did. and that is so soo nice of you to offer, but I think I’m going to try it on my own (I can’t afford the crazy prices for supplements). Plus, I think whey would be on the excluded list I believe, since it’s dairy. I think…but thank you so much. You are so nice!

        I’m doing more research and might actually do the original “clean” cleanse. I also, dare I say it, found a new Dr Oz/Junger 30 day detox that I’m looking into, that seems a little easier.

        I borrowed JJ virgin book from the library a few weeks ago, and at that time, I didn’t think I could pull it off. Even now, I’m loaded with self-doubt, but all I can do is try.

        I’m still going through the reading material online (wow, there is a lot!) and hopefully I can get organized to do this. It’s only 3-4 weeks, right? ha! Right during the fourth of July! But like I said, all I can do is try! But it’ll be worth it if I will feel better.

        Thank you so much for all your inspiration and help. I’ll be looking at your smoothie recipes again. I even lugged out the ole blender from the closet. You are the BEST! Thank you again!!!!!

        • Hi Debbie,

          Well, let me know if you need any help or support along the way. You’ll be amazed at your ability to do this, especially once you get past the first couple of days. Pain (discomfort, and generally feeling gross) is a great motivator!

          Whichever one you choose of that list will be good– they all have the common thread of eliminating the 7 most common allergens. I am to the point where I’ve been slowly putting back things I took out, including gluten from time to time – with great success. I still leave out dairy, as that one gets me every time, but amazingly I have put back most everything and still feel great. You are totally right about the recharge being whey – silly me.

          Dr. Junger has lots of great smoothie recipes too. Good to see you lugged out the ‘ol blender. Haha!

          Keep me posted!

    • Oh and yes, I’m prepared for the “questioning of sanity” days, but gosh, I can’t feel any worse than I feel now!!!! At least it feels that way, but yes, I am prepared for the horrible detox feelings.

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