An Apple A Day…

…off a tree in our backyard!

We have an fairly productive apple tree outside our bedroom window. While I had nothing to do with the success of this tree – it came with the house of course — I am seriously loving picking apples right now! They are crisp and sweet – perfection from a  limb.

The tree is a mangy 50-year-old that is growing sideways, is covered with moss (what in the Northwest isn’t?), and is awfully close to the house. I pruned it back significantly when we moved it to provide some separation, and it obliged and produced fruit anyway, for which I am very appreciative. This is the first year I haven’t had a garden in many, so it is nice to have a little bit of home-grown goodness!

What are you growing right now?

Categories: General

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  • That is sooo sooo cool. I was just discussing with DH that I would love to get a fruit tree maybe next season. An apple tree perhaps.

    My veggie garden is looking so brown and bleek right now. The tomatoes are still producing a little, but my cukes are done. Eggplant has slowed down too. My peppers, which I thought were a goner this season perked up during the last couple of weeks and I’ve been surprised with a few Carmen and lots of jalapenos!

    I’m looking forward to my carrots, I’m leaving them in the ground to sweeten, and I’ve planted more beets, asian greens and peas. I’ll probably be digging out the cuke plants soon, and planting more beets & greens perhaps.

    It’s exciting!

    • Debbie I have been living vicariously through your garden! I so missed having one this year! Maybe next year!

      Peppers are so hard to grow, so I am impressed you have any. Or, at least I find them hard to grow. It just doesn’t get hot enough here. Same for tomatoes.

      Fruit trees are wonderful. I have always loved having them. Apples are common in our neck of the woods, but plums and pears do really well too. Sometimes too well, honestly! We had a plum tree once that was so huge, it was a burden to pick, but if you didn’t pick, you got rotten plum smell — not pleasant!

  • Just catching up on all the replies I’m missing.

    I am seriously thinking of an apple tree, but I am not sure where we’d put it….and ugh, that plum smell doesn’t sound good at all. LOL

    I hope you stay in one place long enough for your garden next season

    • HAHA, you and my mother think the same way. “Just stay put.” ?

      Honestly, we love this location — I think we will. We stayed at our last place (not Bend) for 6 years, so, I am aiming for at least that long…

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