Friday Round Up–5/31/13

For some reason, a lot of things caught my eye this week! Even though it was a “short” week, it was long on good content.

Happy last day of May!

Former Pro-GMO Scientist Speaks Out on the Real Dangers of Genetically Engineered Food. No matter your position on GMO foods, this is a good article by Dr. Mercola that talks about the complexities of genetic engineering of food that have been dismissed until now, and they are just barely starting to be discussed.

The farmer on trial for his private food club is acquitted. This is a follow up to a link I posted last week – couldn’t leave you hanging!

10 real food summer popsicle recipes. Grab your blender and get to work – these are all great DIY popsicle ideas!

More info on why carrageenan should be avoided. A lot of folks think this ingredient is only in non-dairy products, but in reality, it pops up in so  many things, including a lot of traditional dairy.

Six higher fat foods you should eat.  The 1990s completely ruined us into thinking that everything has to be “lowfat” (I fell victim to this too), but our bodies – and brains — need healthy fats to function.

How to make dried mangoes – with a tutorial on cutting mangoes. If you don’t have a dehydrator, this recipe will surely push you over the edge to go get one! This is the one I use – it’s simple and cheap, and does the job just fine.

The dangers of dieting. This backs up my “eat real food” rant. It’s time to stop “dieting” – stomp out that notion that eating 1200 calories a day and exercising until you’re blue in the face is the thing to do – and start nourishing our bodies.

And finally, Whole Foods has organic blueberries on sale today for $1.99 a pint – a scream!

Categories: General

View Comments (7)

  • haha! yes, I am buying a few blueberries today, hoping to make a batch of jam tomorrow. I’m down to one last little jar of sad apple cider jelly I made last fall. LOL

    I don’t know how I missed the story about the farmer on trial! That’s great news about the outcome!

    Thanks for the info on carrageenan, I love this guide I found from the article you linked. What a helpful guide!

    Have a good weekend girl!

    • Ha, Debbie I’m off to WF right now to get some of those blueberries! Can’t pass up a bargain.

      Glad you found the links enjoyable today – it was a good week for good info.

      Have a good weekend yourself!

  • Happy Friday Angela, and thank you so much for including my article on carrageenan in your Friday roundup. So glad I came across your blog because it appears we are on similar journeys of nutrition.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  • one more question…do you have a “Test Kitchen Tuesday” button because I’d like to mention you on my blog?

    • Hi Libby,

      Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate what you’re doing on your blog and agree – we are on similar journeys for sure! I recently came across Eat. Play. Love…More when I was clicking around through blogs (you know how that happens, one leads to another) and your posts really resonate.

      I don’t have a TKT button, but, that won’t stop me from making one. ? What are your size parameters?

      • Super! Can you make it the same size as the larger ones on this page?

        • You bet – I’ll send to your email when it’s ready. Thanks Libby!

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