Random Friday Thoughts: 3/8

Hi friends, I hope you had a great week! Mine was a little hectic, which explains the light posting schedule, but next week is looking much better. Tomorrow I’m running a half marathon – the first of the season – and then going home to continue working on building our family room.  I have low expectations regarding the race, but we have made huge progress on the room this week, which is always encouraging!

Here are a few other random little snippets for you:

  • I picked up this neat little vegetable peeler at Whole Foods this week. It is awesome! Those Whole Foods peeps sure know how to drive impulse purchases, as it was on a rack right next to the root veggies. I was shopping for Daikon radishes, and there they were. I’ll talk about Daikon radishes some other time – they are also awesome. But, I digress.The peeler slides over a finger and you have amazing control with it – very happy with this little kitchen tool!
  • Daylight Savings Time! Just a reminder, this weekend is the “Spring Forward” Daylight Savings Time. This means you lose an hour of sleep on Saturday night, but gain an hour of daylight from Sunday forward. For those in Northern climates, I know you are ready for this extra hour of daylight. We certainly are. I always consider it a success when we make it through the days where darkness sets in by 4:30 and pop out the other side to spring and summer, when the days are long and exercising outside after work is much more inviting.
  • Juicing! There is perhaps no more debated topic around the digital halls of Test Kitchen Tuesday than straining vs. not straining juice made in your Ninja Blender. Sometimes I strain. Sometimes, I don’t. Most of you have an opinion one way or another about this and won’t be swayed, but for those that prefer to strain, here is an article from Choosing Raw with a great idea of how to conveniently strain, along with a good green juice recipe.
  • Finally, a while back, I wrote about the prevalence of toxicity in our day-to-day toiletries and household cleaners. This is a serious issue (at least to me), so I wanted to share this tool I found where you can check the toxicity level of your favorite cosmetic/toiletry products. The tool gives you an overall score on the product as well as its individual ingredients. It doesn’t have everything, but it has a pretty deep database of products. Here is an example I pulled for you – I just picked the first shampoo brand that came to mind so you could see what info is provided.

Okay, I think that’s it for now. Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll catch ya on the flipside!

Categories: General
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