Random Friday Thoughts–February 21, 2013

To my friends in the heartland, I hope you are surviving the major hissy fit Mother Nature is throwing right now! When life gives you snow, stay home and make a snowman! Hang tight, and stay safe.

Lots of good stuff is brewing this week around the bare studs of the Test Kitchen Tuesday abode.

  • Aqua Zinger winner announced. Congrats to Veronica G., and thanks for confirming; You’ll get your Zinger soon!
  • I love to give stuff away, and while I can’t give you all an Aqua Zinger (though I’d love to), I did make my ebook free for yesterday and today. Go grab it if you haven’t already, and tell your friends. For those that have purchased it, I sincerely appreciate it, from the bottom of my heart. It throws a few pennies in my wishing well to keep the lights on for this blog.
  • What do you do with Wheatgrass? Our CSA delivery this week included a cute little tray of wheatgrass. I have had wheatgrass juice before, but, have never really done much with it and am looking for ideas.
  • In personal comfort news, I am so excited! We have been using an old futon in our “family room” since we bought our fixer upper because we didn’t want to bring our good furniture into the house until construction allowed for it. We finally passed a milestone where we felt like we could bring home a couple of nice recliners and a few end tables. You have no idea how wonderful this is!  We have moved our family room into the future kitchen, and will be starting construction on the family room this weekend. The kitchen is just a shell, but it has its final tile and a boatload of fresh bamboo on the ceiling. Like Joey and Chandler on Friends, we are happy to have our recliners back. And, it is nice to have a floor, not just old plywood underfoot. If you’re wondering, the tile is missing between the chairs because this is the home of a future kitchen island!

We can recline and look at our nice new ceiling, which took 4 days to install for those that are curious. But, I will take putting up a prefinished product any day over doing drywall above my head in a room with a vaulted ceiling that peaks at 12 feet! The light fixture in the middle is temporary. Hah! We are refurbishing the original schoolhouse style light that was in that location, but it is not quite done yet. And, the cutout where you see the back of the silver insulation is for the future range hood.

I have a long bullet list of topics to talk about in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.

Have a good weekend, all, and thanks for reading!

Categories: General

View Comments (4)

  • Holy Moly, that is a gorgeous ceiling! You are going to have a palace when you are done! I have coconut mana on my list of to-do’s!!!! Thank for the reminder!

    • Aw shucks, thanks. We have a history of going overboard…hahaha!

      Definitely let me know how the manna comes out for you! Yummmm!

  • You might have no idea how refreshing your blogs are!!! I feel like I know you, and we have never met.
    I seriously thought about blogging for NW Pom Rescue (and Chihuahuas too!) but found it to be way too much work for me…I have health issues and can sometimes barely make it through my “doggie-day”, so to read yours is so wonderful!
    I bought a Ninja, returned it because it was not the right one, and am anticipating my new one today! Excitement is high! This one does have all the bells and whistles, and I can finally get rid of some of my countertop appliances, and leave the space bare except for the base and the individual drink jars.
    So, thank you so much, again and again, for your wonderful informative blog!

    • Oh Cynthia. You made my day with your nice note.

      I applaud your work, thank you for doing what you do! Hugs to the doggies!


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