Friday Round Up–4/26/13

Friends, I’m so sorry I’ve been on the quiet side this week! We are getting so, so close to finishing a major milestone around the remodel, and I have been burning my candle at both ends for a while to drive this project to completion.

It won’t be much longer, and that’s a good thing, as 2Chili and I are pretty much worked to the nub right now!

When life gets hectic, it’s even more important to watch what you put in your body, and make sure you nourish it with quality foods to help it cope with the pressure. I’ve been having lots of big salads and big, blended smoothies, packed with things like turmeric, cinnamon, and maca root to help up the nutritional ante. And, aside from just not having enough minutes in the day, this strategy is helping a ton with letting me stay even-keeled! I have quite a list of things I want to make for the blog, including a carrot ginger soup re-make, so stay tuned for some new recipes in the near future.

Here a few random items on my mind this week:

  • I have been reading a book called The Hormone Cure, written by a doctor I heard on a podcast a while back. It’s fascinating, really. If you have weird signs and symptoms you can’t pinpoint, I highly recommend picking up this book to help you decipher your body. This is mostly written from a female’s perspective, so I don’t know how much use men would find from it. Happily, all is right with my world these days, but this would have been a really helpful book about a year ago when I started exhibiting signs of hypothyroid.
  • I stumbled on a new-to-me blog this week that is really fantastic. It’s called Summer Tomato, and is written by a foodie/scientist, so her perspectives are unique and different from your standard food blog. She emphasizes points that I totally agree with: Eating real food, getting off the calorie counting train, and puts a scientific approach to things, which I’m sure many of you will enjoy.
  • Man stores McDonald’s hamburger for 14 years, and it remains exactly the same. I don’t need to say any more on top of that headline!
  • I picked up a FitBit Zip a couple weeks ago and have been trying it out. I was planning to write a review, but honestly, I can tell you what you need to know in a paragraph. It’s a good idea, but the average person is going to have a hard time keeping track of this thing! It is tiny, and unlike a BodyMedia, it doesn’t attach to your body. You have to remember to clip it to your pants, and you have to remember to remove it. I see lots of potential for it to end up  in the washing machine. Overall, it’s very step-based, so if you want a good digital pedometer with a readout right on the device, it is great! If you want something that tracks all your activity without you having to input things after the fact, I’d still lean more towards a BodyMedia or other more robust tracker.

And that’s it for now. Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll catch ya on the flip side!

Categories: General
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